Final descent to the finish!

A nice bottle of Moet which will be kept on ice until the first big win of the year is nailed!

Well its been a great start to the year. I knew after getting over the lurgy that I was in good running shape after my 10k a few days ago and my best track session to date on Tuesday. I actually think I can go a lot quicker than I did last weekend as I still reckon I was carrying a bit of a chest infection so things are looking better than they have ever been before running wise at this time of year. The next goals for my running are the county champs next weekend where my aim is to make the county team which is easier said than done with the standard of running being so high in
Herts at the moment. Following that I am racing the
Wokingham Half Marathon where my goal is to break 70min, even if I don't then
i'm sure I will smash my PB!
I spent New Years Eve over in
Teddington with Fiona
Moorehead-Lane (my coach), hubby Rob and
Rav and
Suhela Dihegi and little one Eva. Anyway nothing too hard core just 4 or 5 beers (which is a lot for me!) and some
Wii action after midnight, two hours later still playing! well I say playing I was actually being given a golf and baseball lesson, but tennis I rock!
So anyway not best race prep but hey you can't be no fun on New years eve. The race is call The Knacker Cracker have a read and you will see why The course goes up different parts of the infamous Box Hill with a mixture of mainly trails a bit of mud and a tiny bit of road. The descents are so steep if you get them wrong you won't stop rolling! and a couple of times I actually had to use my hands to stop falling over. I would hate to do this race on a wet year!
Training with my new buddies has got me in the
habit of going off very quick whenever I run and hold on. This race was no different, straight to the front up the first hill and kept running until I
couldn't hear my chasers breathing anymore. I took the descents very easy so as not to do anything silly and concentrated on putting time into my rivals on the climbs. The final climb was by far the worst and I was warned about this but did I listen, nope.
It was great to see so many in fancy dress from a Masai warrior to the
tin man, maybe next year! Well done to Fiona who was 3rd woman after not really doing much training since
Busselton, I
couldn't have done that of next to no training. Rob was the smart one and spent the morning on the golf course.