1 Johnsen, Jimmy DEN 03:45:48
2 Koefoed, Jens DEN 03:48:17
3 Sundberg, Swen GER 03:50:03
4 Cartmell, Fraser UK 03:50:23
5 Benocs, Zoltan HUN 03:51:44
6 Monteiro, Frederico BRA 03:56:14
7 Gomes, Pedro POR 03:55:20
8 Woodward, Alun ENG 03:56:26
9 Saunders, Nick ENG 03:56:40
10 Hovgaard, Esben DEN 03:58:05
11 Petersen-Bach, Jens DEN 03:58:18
12 Kaczmarek, Finn DEN 03:58:43
13 Hugelshofer, Patrik SUI 04:00:20
14 António, Custódio POR 04:03:23
15 Hecht, Mathias SUI 04:03:48
16 Treadaway, Darren ENG 04:03:54
Right the quick version is that I am really pleased with the result and feel I am getting closer to the best guys in the world so the extra time commitment is clearly paying off and I hope the result is something I can build on. Looking at last years results I felt the top 10 was achievable and last year I would have placed top 10 but this year the race moved up in class with athletes from 19 countries, some as far away as Brazil turned up! It truly was a world class field with the reigning European champion and various Ironman winners and World Cup athletes.
It wasn't however all plane sailing and ive really until now kept this under my hat but my ankle injury didn't clear up as quick as I thought it had and in hindsight I rushed back too quickly so my head was a mess leading upto the race but ive come through it ok and if anything my run will get stronger in the next race.
Onto the race. In the race itinery it said that the Elites were going to get their own start so I didn't really stress about fighting for position, so I waited and waited hanging onto the pontoon and nothing. Suddenly out of the blue the claxon went! and it looked like we were off. I managed to get clear water a little too easily then realised that all the fast guys had started on the far side so I had to cut across to try and get on the back of the chasing group, which I never caught and found myself swimming in no mans land for most of the race. Anyway it probably cost me a minute, no big deal in a race this long, maybe a lesson learned for next time.
The bike for me was the most enjoyable ride ive had in triathlon, I felt so strong with my new position and the extra miles had made a huge difference. I started catching people very quickly and felt well within my comfort zone and worked hard going out into the wind and got my bars and gels down me coming back with the wind behind me. On each of the 4 laps you go into the town centre where the atmosphere was electric and a big lift each time you came round.
I was relishing starting the run as I already knew I was having a good race and was looking forward to my usual blast through the field on the final run but it didn't happen as it normally does I think possibly for two reasons, the first being that at this level everyone runs fast and secondly I had maybe lost a little run fitness with the injury. I started on the first lap rather cautiously, probably a little too cautiously as I was worried about blowing to pieces as the temperature was hotting up, I eventually settled into my rhythm and laps 2 and 3 were solid and lap 4 was about hanging on with some useful encouragement from Rob as I passed him. I needed a shouting at as the wheels were starting to fall off so thanks Rob!h
Thank you to Laurence from Tri Force for accompanying me on the trip and well done on finishing despite not being at your best, lesser men would have pulled out!
I will be back next year, fitter, stronger and ready to go top 10 under 4 hours!
You can now post comments on here so feel free! Just want to make sure that at least someone reads my waffle!
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